Paralyzed With Fear In A Corner, He Waited For Someone To Change His Opinion Of Humans.

Some people consider abandoned dogs to be particularly powerful, since the fortunate ones manage to live on their own. However, there is a very crucial component in their lives that no one appears to consider, and that is that being forced to confront the hazards of the human world without any help, many must suffer with grief and continual worry for their lives.(HV)

This little kid was so afraid

Fortunately, there are many people who think about all the animals who live homeless , and someone was noble enough to call the Hope For Paws organization to respond to the situation of a puppy who , confronting the brutal world after being abandoned, was in a state of shock that did not enable him to move.

Several people had spotted his arrival and tried to aid him.

It all occurred on Valentine’s Day when a lady phoned the group reporting a little puppy ​​that was living in a small area. The neighbors sought for a blanket for him to seek cover, but the small animal was afraid, would not move and appeared quite unhappy.

With great care several volunteers attached a leash to keep him

Upon arrival, the Hope For Paws volunteers were able to clearly observe the puppy that could not stop shaking with terror, so with great care and affection they approached. Loreta Fankonyte was the volunteer who was in charge of having contact with the puppy , petting him a bit to encourage him to allow himself be placed on a leash.

Although it was not an easy process, the puppy appeared to begin to comprehend

The unlucky pup was too frightened and his terror made him respond angrily; but even so, Loreta managed to convince him that he could trust her and as he completed tightening the strap around her neck, he was able to carry him up in her arms. After this, the volunteers agreed to name the dog Scooby-Roo.

Soon the life of this puppy would be radically changed

Every second with the volunteers appeared to persuade Scooby-Roo that all was not lost, and it was astonishing how his attitude transformed swiftly as they traveled in the van to the hospital where they would check on the pup’s health.

A nice bath usually helps after such a frightening day.

Once the veterinarians concluded their job, they determined that the puppy was in fair physical condition, only a bit underweight , and while his mental health was still not fully stable, everything appeared to suggest that very soon Scooby-Roo will be ready to be a happy puppy again.

Although there was still a lot to accomplish Scooby-Roo already saw much better

To close the day, Loreta offered Scooby-Roo one of the greatest medicines for a stressful day, a hot bath that would prepare him to arrive at The Forgotten Dog Foundation’s temporary foster home, where he started his recovery to join a family . perpetual human.

Here you can see how the entire rescue unfolded

Today and due to a lot of care, affection and games, Scooby-Roo has become a happy puppy. For now, this lovely and fearless puppy is seeking for a home full of love where he can spend his days providing love to his new owners, and the foundation where he is is doing all necessary to make his wish come true.

Share this lovely tale with others to help find Scooby-Roo a home!

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