Abused Dog Isolated Herself From The World

Harry used to be a stray dog that walked about in a tiny town in China. Harry is huddled up in this small house, very scared.. Anytime she sees a person, she’d freeze like a stone. Even when her name is called, she’d be scared

Her owner remarked ” She wouldn’t come out, never, she stays like that in the room all day. She doesn’t do anything but stays in her room curled up in the corner)”. (HV

It’s been a year adopting Harry as a family but, Harry still hasn’t opened her heart to the guardian.

The guardian made chicken soup. He leaved the food there, and give her some room, he hope she’d eat it when no one’s around…

A production crew of Kritter Klub ( renowned youtube channel in china) got there and attempted to assist, so they put up a camera and left the area.

Though there is no one nearby, she still doesn’t express any emotion

After some time.. She moves towards the meal, although her stance is odd. Yet, she’s scared by another dog barking and walked back to her house. She remained there for a few hours, even after it grew dark…

The following day… She’s still in her room

Guardian (her owner) remarked” It’s such a wonderful day today, so I want to take her out for fresh air… Let’s go out and hang around with pals, Harry, let’s go! This is the only way to get her move”

“It’s tough to read Harry’s thinking What’s happened to her that made her so scared of people? A year ago, she was noticed on the street looking concerned. It appeared like she’s fled from someplace. A year has gone… and the scar still hasn’t healed.”

The production crew had a vet with them and he attempted soothe her, although she’s already anxious even before the vet touches her.

Vet remarked “Her heart is pounding quickly. It appears like she’s calm but she’s terribly scared, her heart is racing quite rapidly. She can’t even look at me or bark and run away… she’s just holding it in.”

Fortunately, there was no concern with her health. What’s left is to take her out of her room and assist her to come out into the world.

Vet stated ” This black house is really solid. This offers her comfort emotionally, but also it builds a greater barricade from the outer world. I believe it’s fair to eliminate this house initially” Production crew jumped in to support Harry, too..

Vet indicated to production crew that moving her by holding her rather than on a leash helps her feel more comfortable. and as they carried her outside of the house, she appears really nervous. She was extremely nervous, she peed herself…

The guardian kept her company constantly so that Harry wouldn’t feel lonely. She doesn’t get shocked when others attempt to touch her anymore. She used to shudder when approached by someone. Not anymore.

“I’m going to be here with her anytime I have spare time. I’ll be at her side and be her buddy. I’ll make her a brilliant little girl”

Now, Harry can glance at the guardian. Now, we see hope.

Harry withdrew herself from others owing to the traumatic recollection of being abandoned. We don’t sure when it will be entirely healed, but the guardian is providing her a lot of love and compassion. Just like Harry, there are a lot of abandoned dogs suffering with unpleasant memories, those who formerly were adored by their family…

We hope there are no more unnamed abandoned pets in the world..

Watch the video below:

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