Poor Dog Has Had The Worst Life That Can Be Endured

Please, Eeyore. At Stray Rescue St. Louis, the tiny puppy who has lived the most miserable existence imaginable is safe, and his rescuers are already in love with him.

The rescue organization posted images of the dog, now known as Eeyore, on their Facebook page with the caption, “As if his life wasn’t bad enough, he just tested positive for the fatal illness canine parvovirus (parvo)”.

And as is frequently the case with dogs rescued from the most trying situations and locations, these compassionate beings very infrequently hold others accountable.

“He just begins to melt in your hands. He only requests affection and cuddles. It’s intolerable that those eyes are sad.

Eeyore is being treated by doctors, drinking, and eating, all signs that he is clinging to life.

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