This veterinarian walks around the streets of California to deal with homeless peoples’ animals for free

The world looks such a remarkable place when there’s kindness and love. And this California-based veterinarian’s activities are simply recovering the faith in humanity. Meet Kwane Stewart– the Street Vet; a kind man that helps homeless peoples’ animals for free.

A furry companion doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor. Their love is pure and genuine. However, for the pets of those that’re surviving on the streets, life is sometimes quite hard due to the lack of healthcare, when required. That’s why this hero stepped in, decided to make life easier for these people and their beloved four-legged companions.

Image credits: The Street Vet

It all started in 2011, when frightened by the growing numbers of homeless animals, the currently 49-year-old veterinarian, recognized he had to do something. And his mission is quite easy: to help as lots of homeless people and their pets, as he can!

” Before I knew it, I had an entire line,” Stewart told CNN. “There was something regarding it that I loved. I did it again before I decided to simply take it to the street and walk to homeless people rather than waiting on them to walk up to me.” And since then, the kind vet strolls on the streets of California to assist. Even little sometimes, his gestures bring a lot joy into the souls of those he’s helping.

Image credits: The Street Vet

Over the years, Stewart dealt with over 400 animals and he done that for free. However, lately he produced a GoFundMe page where other type people are helping him on his mission.

Stewart says this incredible experience helped him to see the world from various eyes and also to beat his own prejudgments. “I had my very own prejudgments … about homeless people before I started doing this job,” he claimed. “You just make assumptions regarding their story without also knowing anything regarding them. You learn extremely rapidly that you have no idea what put them there.”

Image credits: The Street Vet

The veterinarian claims some of the stories relocated him a lot. “I have actually experienced one of the most genuine stories of love, concern, struggle, and hope,” he said. “These homeless people take care of their pets even much better than we do. When they own a pet, it engenders this kindness. They always make sure their pet is fed. “

Image credits: The Street Vet

Stewart locates his motivation and inspiration in these incredible stories. Which makes him even more hunger to succeed. To change something! “Giving a little can make all the difference,” the veterinarian claimed. A TV show entitled “The Street Veterinarian” showing his journey will certainly quickly air!

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