Boy Sacrifices Pokemon Cards to Fund Treatment for His Cherished Puppy

Bryson Kliemann, an 8-year-old from Lebanon, Virginia, had a passion for all things Pokemon.

From watching Pokemon shows to collecting merchandise and cards, his love for the franchise was evident. But beyond Pokemon, he shared a deep bond with Bruce, his 4-month-old lab mix puppy.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

Though Bruce was usually full of energy, he suddenly became lethargic. Concern grew when Bruce started refusing food and stayed cooped up in his kennel.

A trip to the vet revealed a devastating diagnosis: parvovirus, a deadly illness. The cure? A $700 treatment the Kliemanns couldn’t afford.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

Not willing to give up on Bruce, Bryson made a heart-wrenching decision. He decided to sell his most cherished Pokemon card collection.

Setting up a stand with a “Pokemon 4 sale” sign, he managed to raise $65 on his first day. Word of Bryson’s cause spread, prompting his mother, Kimberly, to set up a GoFundMe page with an initial target of $800.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

The community’s response was overwhelming. Donations poured in, both from Bryson’s card sales and the GoFundMe page, surpassing their goal and reaching $15,000.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

Local news channels picked up the story, amplifying the impact of Bryson’s noble endeavor.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

With the funds in hand, Bruce was treated promptly and began his journey to recovery.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

During this tense period, the Kliemanns were touched to find a note from Bryson in his schoolwork, emphasizing his sweet and caring nature.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

While Bruce was getting better, the Kliemanns decided to pay forward the kindness they’d received.


Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

The excess funds were donated for the treatment of other sick dogs, and they celebrated this gesture at one of Bryson’s favorite comic book stores.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

The day finally arrived when Bruce was well enough to come home.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

Their reunion was heartwarming. Bryson, with a smile stretching from ear to ear, and Bruce, tail wagging vigorously, were once again inseparable.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

Their bond, already strong, had grown even deeper. And, as in the best of stories, they lived happily ever after.

Image source: Kimberly Woodruff

Source: Facebook

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