Dog Sheds Joyful Tears Upon Reuniting With Owner After Six Days.

We often say, “Our dogs are part of our family,” and we wholeheartedly believe it. When our furry companion disappears, it feels like a piece of our heart has been taken away.

It’s a situation we all dread, but sadly, it sometimes becomes a reality. Xian-Mao was accompanying her father to the market when she unexpectedly went missing.

Image source: M13 Channel via YouTube Video

Xian-Mao usually stays close to her owner, not needing a leash. But during one of their outings, unexpected fireworks startled her.

Terrified by the sudden noise, Xian-Mao dashed away, speeding far from the source of her fear.

Image source: M13 Channel via YouTube Video

Devastated, her father combed through the area in hopes of finding his cherished pet. Although Xian-Mao knows her surroundings well, her fear drives her to unfamiliar territory, leaving her lost and unable to find her way back.

Six agonizing days later, Xian-Mao ended up at a friend of her owner’s house. Since she had often visited this place with her father, it felt familiar to her.

Recognizing the lost dog’s plight, the attentive friend immediately reached out to Xian-Mao’s father, who rushed over.

The moment Xian-Mao laid eyes on her dad, it was a heartwarming scene reminiscent of a child reunited with a long-lost parent.

The tears in Xian-Mao’s eyes and her overwhelming emotion were a testament to the depth of her bond with her human.

We’re overjoyed about Xian-Mao’s reunion with her father, but let this be a reminder: always keep your dogs leashed, regardless of how well-trained they are. Safety first, to prevent such heart-wrenching moments.

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