Wild Dog and Tiny Baby Become Best Friends: This Is the Secret of Their Magical Connection

Many people live for many years without any problems with their dogs. They tolerate all quirks and don’t take them too seriously.

However, this changes abruptly when a baby comes into the house. Admittedly, a baby and a dog can be a challenging combination. But it doesn’t have to be, as this video impressively proves.

Running Until Exhausted: Pony is a particularly wild specimen. Whenever he gets the chance, he runs around, spins in circles, and jumps in the air.

Among dog lovers, this wild behavior is known as “puppy spinner.” This term is a colloquial designation for the wild, exuberant romping of a usually young dog.

For a newborn human child, this behavior can be dangerous. This is often the reason why dogs are given up when a baby comes into the house.


Image source: Youtube/The Dodo

Right in the Middle of It All: The couple in this video doesn’t give up their wild four-legged friend. They let him participate in the baby adventure from the beginning.

Even during pregnancy, Pony learns to behave calmly and gently in the presence of his owner. Even when the baby arrives, he is allowed to sniff it, lick its feet, and lie down on its blanket.

His behavior has changed 180 degrees. This dog is now the epitome of calmness. He approaches the baby with incredible consideration.


Image source: Youtube/The Dodo

Pony seems to instinctively know how sensitive the little human being still is. And the owners don’t have to worry.

Image source: Youtube/The Dodo

It all depends on letting the dog participate in family life from the beginning instead of locking him away.

The commentators also recognize this and are happy that this couple keeps their dog. “This is a perfect example of why you should never give up your pet,” says @mspossible.

Image source: Youtube/The Dodo

“They are very sensitive and know when to hold back.” This may not always be the case. But if a dog and baby are sensitively accustomed to each other, as in this video, it can establish a lifelong friendship.

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