Pittie Puppy Found At A Construction Site Would Blossom Into A Social Butterfly

This Pittie puppy was found left at a building site weighing less than 2 pounds, and also he had not been doing too well. Love Leo Rescue…

Lonely On Street With No Friend & People Threw Stone At Her. How Could This Dog Find Her True Love?

According to The MoHo this sad puppy was found on August 20th. At the first sight at her you can imagine how much did she suffering. (HV)…

Baby Elephant Is Declined By The Herd, Finds Friendship In A Friendly Pup

A baby elephant was declined by his herd and left to pass away. But he was taken in by the Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa where…

Dog With Massive Tu.mour On Her Leg Couldn’t Barely Walk, Begs For Help

It’s hard to explain this rescue. Not because it was tough but because it is heart-breaking to witness a dog that must have been in great pain…

Street Dog Wouldn’t Leave Without Her Friend, Leads Rescuers To Her

Sidewalk Specials found that a dog they ‘d saved, the “Harbour Dog,” had a sister out there on the streets. So they lay out to get her,…

He Couldn’t Hold Back His Tears When He was Rescued After Lying Motionless on The Street for Days

Meet Izum! He was fully powerless as he lay behind the wheel of an automobile. He lay on the grass for a lengthy amount of time, hot…

His Brothers Were Gone Permanently, But Puppy’s Cry For Help Was Heard

Rescuers in Serbia showed up to work at the sanctuary someday to see a box left on their home. And they recognized what this most likely meant….

Abandoned And Rejected By All Because Of Its Bad Smell, Until A Poor Man Decided To Act

If you believe that all the animals that are on the streets at the mercy of any danger or scenario always get the aid of a helpful…

Female Pit Bull Found In A Field Prepared To Break At The Seams

A do-gooder located a pit bull in the field next to his house and called upon Hope For Paws for rescue. The dog was really pregnant and…

A Frightened Puppy Hides In A Corner Until The Heavy Mark Of His Past Is Removed

A time ago, animal control authorities spotted a furry in a woodland. He had a large leather strap fastened to a chain and he had also been…