Senior Dog Left At Hazardous Treatment Plant Falls Into Sewer Smells Rotten
An elderly dog called Mufasa came a” nothing” the moment he was abandoned at a harmful water treatment factory. The separated area was filled with chemical tanks…

Abandoned Puppy Falls Asleep Holding Her Paws Together Like Praying After Feeling Safe With Her Rescuer
Neglectful owners who abandon their dogs seldom consider the well-being or emotions of their faithful companions. Stripped of their home and family, these despondent pups are left…

Dog Was So Abused That She Fully Shrieks In Fear When Rescuer Attempts To Touch Her
Animal rescuer Monica Mitreanu from Romania has been rescuing dogs for a long time. However, she was left horrified during one of her latest saves involving a…

Puppy Refuses to Abandon Plum Box He Was Left In
One day, the staff at DeKalb County Animal Services in Georgia encountered a heartbreaking sight just outside their facility. A Pit Bull puppy had been abandoned in…

Mother Dog Will Not Rest Until She Knows Her Puppies Are Safe
This afraid mom dog would not trust anybody till she knew her young puppies were safe. What rescuers thought was a stray canine ended up being a…

The Sorrowful Sight of a Pup Tied to a Crate Moves Woman to Tears
Finding solace in the warm embrace of their human parents and feeling cherished is the epitome of happiness for all dogs. It is the idyllic image that…

Man Brings His Elderly Dog to the Sea for a Final Goodbye, Says This Loss Is Deepest Pain
A gentleman constructs a snug seaside spot for his senior canine companion to enjoy a final view of the ocean. Their tale captured global attention and struck…

Young Puppy Found Guarding Her Dying Sis Needs Help Also
Sidewalk Specials found 2 puppies all alone. Emma was standing guard beside her dying sister, however she also needed help in a bad way … As long…

Woman Leaves Her Wealth To Her Pets And Not Her Children Who Were Never Close to Her When She Was Sick
In China, an affectionate elderly woman named Liu has recently made a significant decision regarding her 20 million yuan (US$2.8 million) fortune. Rather than bequeathing it to…

Lady Rescues 10 Week Old Puppy ‘Left For Dead’ In Plastic Storage Container
The poor puppy you see in this plastic tub was found recently on the side of the roadway in Columbia, Maryland, the cover was removed before the…