18 Dads Who Said No To Pets But Ended Up Loving Them A Lot

Pets have a unique way of becoming an integral part of our families. This transformation is especially remarkable in those who were initially resistant to the idea of having a pet.

“He said he didn’t want anything to do with my dog — then proceeded to buy a bike with a basket.”

Image source: © benobatman / Reddit

One dad claimed he wanted nothing to do with his child’s dog, only to surprise everyone by purchasing a bike with a special basket for the pup.

“He said that cats aren’t friendly like dogs. Now they eat ice cream together like soulmates.”

Image source: © entirelyunimportant / Reddit

Another dad, who believed cats couldn’t be as friendly as dogs, now shares ice cream with his feline friend, proving that bonds can form in the most unexpected ways.

“Dad was once very vocal about small dogs being expensive rats.”

Image source: © Christinedrink / Reddit

A vocal critic of small dogs, labeling them as “expensive rats,” this dad’s heart was eventually won over by a tiny canine companion.

“This is my brother-in-law 2 weeks after my sister took this boy in to catsit for a month, now they’re inseparable.”

Image source: © kulayeb / Reddit

Initially just cat-sitting for a month, a brother-in-law found himself forming an unbreakable bond with the feline guest.

“He says he doesn’t like them. They love him though.”

Image source: © RiKar97 / Reddit

Despite his protests, this dad became the beloved human of several cats who adore him.

“The man who refused to care for the new kitten we adopted but fell asleep all snuggled up…”

Image source: © AfterSchoolOrdinary / Reddit

A dad who refused to care for a newly adopted kitten ended up snuggling with it, showcasing the irresistible charm of pets.

“At first, he didn’t want any dogs, now we have 2.”

Image source: © Mexican_Fence_Hopper / Reddit

A father who was firmly against having dogs now happily lives with two furry friends.

“My dad does NOT like dogs. Which is, of course, why he’s falling out of his chair to pet mine.”

Image source: © crayolamitch / Reddit

This dad, who claimed to dislike dogs, was caught affectionately petting his child’s dog, a testament to the power of pets in softening hearts.

“He insists he’s not an animal person and thought I was absurd for buying a leash. Now he always brings him outside.”

Image source: © KaterWaiter / Reddit

Initially mocking the idea of a pet leash, this dad now eagerly takes his pet for walks, illustrating the joy pets bring into our lives.

“My dad didn’t want EITHER animal. Now look at him.”

Image source: © coldestjeans67 / Reddit

A dad who didn’t want either a cat or a dog now enjoys the company of both, showing that love for pets can grow unexpectedly.

“My dad was adamant that the cat would stay in the garage while at their house. This is day 1 of letting him inside.”

Image source: © PoorlyPlays / Reddit

A cat that was supposed to stay in the garage was quickly welcomed into the house, proving that pets have a way of becoming family members.

“Dad said no more cats. This is how Dad is now.”

Image source: © bscones / Reddit

Despite his initial resistance, this dad now enjoys the company of his feline friend, a story of unexpected companionship.

“He didn’t want a single one of them.”

Image source: © OldCat_NewTricks / Reddit

A dad who was against the idea of having any pets now finds joy in their presence, a heartwarming change of heart.

“My dad did not want these roosters. Now he carries them around the property.”

Image source: © LeoSeasoning / Reddit

A dad who didn’t want roosters now proudly carries them around, showing that even the most unlikely animals can become cherished pets.

“A dog person who was sick of us getting cats — then he found out our kitten fit in his pocket.”

Image source: © ughhdante / Reddit

A dog lover who was tired of cats changed his tune when he discovered the kitten fit perfectly in his pocket, a story of love in small packages.

“My dad didn’t want Luna, but he traded in his car for something more suitable to take her absolutely anywhere.”

Image source: © cutecemetery / Reddit

A dad who was hesitant to welcome Luna, a cat, into his life, went as far as trading his car for a more pet-friendly vehicle, a testament to the lengths we go for our pets.

“My dad said he just doesn’t really like cats.”

Image source: © JustAnotherBrick12 / Reddit

A father who claimed indifference towards cats now enjoys their company, highlighting the unexpected bonds that form between humans and pets.

“This from a dad who said birds were the biggest waste of time…”

Image source: © OfficeDragon1980 / Reddit

A dad who saw birds as a waste of time now finds joy in their presence, a reminder of the diverse ways pets enrich our lives.

Featured photo credit entirelyunimportant 

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